
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random import urllib.request import json import re # 定义要爬取的微博大V的微博ID import requests import time # id=(input("请输入要抓的微博uid:")) id = '1353112775' na = 'a' # 设置代理IP iplist = ['', '', ''] proxy_addr = "" # 定义页面打开函数 def use_proxy(url, proxy_addr): req = urllib.request.Request(url) req.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.221 Safari/537.36 SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0") req.add_header("cookie", "ALF=1563501151; SCF=Apx1PRwrfB4If6VYDuCoe_oorlZ5gXCWgirtv_8vjRInbSiwiRjXJzR1HlwIwMRHub8Qq-MsnmzwbCu94WX7vlA.; SUB=_2A25wDe0fDeRhGeVH71AT9yrPzTmIHXVT8fNXrDV6PUJbktANLWrRkW1NT0BnhRvEpps1o8r4U5Lq6WlEI11t3hu5; SUBP=0033WrSXqPxfM725Ws9jqgMF55529P9D9WhgALk5OZhvyM8uOfTuxHgy5JpX5K-hUgL.Foe4ShzES0B0So-2dJLoIpjLxKnLB.BLB-qLxK-LBK-LBoqLxKML1h.L1-zt; SUHB=0idrAQnnVzMAp9; MLOGIN=1; _T_WM=62061002588; WEIBOCN_FROM=1110006030; XSRF-TOKEN=afb963; M_WEIBOCN_PARAMS=luicode%3D10000011%26lfid%3D1005051353112775%26oid%3D4244627785851269%26fid%3D1078031353112775%26uicode%3D10000011") proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': random.choice(iplist)}) opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) urllib.request.install_opener(opener) data = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore') return data # 获取微博主页的containerid,爬取微博内容时需要此id def get_containerid(url): data = use_proxy(url, random.choice(iplist)) content = json.loads(data).get('data') for data in content.get('tabsInfo').get('tabs'): if (data.get('tab_type') == 'weibo'): containerid = data.get('containerid') return containerid # 获取微博大V账号的用户基本信息,如:微博昵称、微博地址、微博头像、关注人数、粉丝数、性别、等级等 def get_userInfo(id): url = '' + id data = use_proxy(url, random.choice(iplist)) content = json.loads(data).get('data') profile_image_url = content.get('userInfo').get('profile_image_url') description = content.get('userInfo').get('description') profile_url = content.get('userInfo').get('profile_url') verified = content.get('userInfo').get('verified') guanzhu = content.get('userInfo').get('follow_count') name = content.get('userInfo').get('screen_name') na = name fensi = content.get('userInfo').get('followers_count') gender = content.get('userInfo').get('gender') urank = content.get('userInfo').get('urank') print("微博昵称:" + name + "\n" + "微博主页地址:" + profile_url + "\n" + "微博头像地址:" + profile_image_url + "\n" + "是否认证:" + str( verified) + "\n" + "微博说明:" + description + "\n" + "关注人数:" + str(guanzhu) + "\n" + "粉丝数:" + str( fensi) + "\n" + "性别:" + gender + "\n" + "微博等级:" + str(urank) + "\n") # 获取微博内容信息,并保存到文本中,内容包括:每条微博的内容、微博详情页面地址、点赞数、评论数、转发数等 def get_weibo(id, file): i = 1 Directory = "/Users/zzf/Desktop/dev/python/zzf/" while True: url = '' + id weibo_url = '' + id + '&containerid=' + get_containerid( url) + '&page=' + str(i) try: data = use_proxy(weibo_url, random.choice(iplist)) content = json.loads(data).get('data') cards = content.get('cards') if (len(cards) > 0): for j in range(len(cards)): print("-----正在爬取第" + str(i) + "页,第" + str(j) + "条微博------") card_type = cards[j].get('card_type') if (card_type == 9): mblog = cards[j].get('mblog') # print(mblog) # print(str(mblog).find("转发微博")) if str(mblog).find('retweeted_status') == -1: if str(mblog).find('original_pic') != -1: img_url = re.findall(r"'url': '(.+?)'", str(mblog)) ##pics(.+?) n = 1 timename = str(time.time()) timename = timename.replace('.', '') timename = timename[7:] # 利用时间作为独特的名称 for url in img_url: print('第' + str(n) + ' 张', end='') with open(Directory + timename + url[-5:], 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get(url).content) print('...OK!') n = n + 1 attitudes_count = mblog.get('attitudes_count') comments_count = mblog.get('comments_count') created_at = mblog.get('created_at') reposts_count = mblog.get('reposts_count') scheme = cards[j].get('scheme') text = mblog.get('text') with open(file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write("----第" + str(i) + "页,第" + str(j) + "条微博----" + "\n") fh.write("微博地址:" + str(scheme) + "\n" + "发布时间:" + str( created_at) + "\n" + "微博内容:" + text + "\n" + "点赞数:" + str( attitudes_count) + "\n" + "评论数:" + str(comments_count) + "\n" + "转发数:" + str( reposts_count) + "\n") i += 1 else: break except Exception as e: print(e) pass if __name__ == "__main__": file = '/Users/zzf/Desktop/dev/python\\' + id + ".txt" get_userInfo(id) get_weibo(id, file)

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